Tuesday, October 20, 2009

mmm mmmm mmmm

Ok, here are my food cravings thus far:

-Nacho Cheese- The 'que bueno' stuff from Costco.  I am craving it at least once if not twice a day.  I want plate fulls of gooey, spice nachos.  (my mouth is watering just thinking about it)

-water- I am so freaking thirsty all day long it's not funny.   I love water anyway, but man I can't get enough.  I've got a huge jug of it sitting next to me right now.

-Cheetos- Now I do like nacho cheese and water, BUT I normally DO NOT like cheetos.  So to crave these is weird for me.  I want to dip them in my nacho sauce. (and I have)  

-around 10:30-11:00pm everynight I crave something sweet.  Anything sweet.  One night I reverted to a fruit snack to satisfy it.  With Halloween coming I know I'm doomed.  I think I need to invest in some fruit leather type things, so at least I know it's sweet and not total crap that late at night.

-oranges- Last Saturday at Sydney's AYSO game I saw one of her teammates eating an orange and I almost got up and took it from her sticky little fingers I wanted it sooo bad.  

I'm sure as time drags on my cravings will change.  But for now here they are.

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