Sunday, October 18, 2009

A little frustration....

I am only just pregnant and already I can't button my pants.  Why do I feel like my belly is huge already?  I know this happens with multiple pregnancies, but the fact that I have to bust out my maternity pants is nuts.    This always happens, I look pregnant really fast so people think I'm pregnant forever.  I stay the same size for what seems like months.  But since I have always been poochy I guess it makes sense.  At least now I can tell people I'm pregnant and not fat.    But right now I am at the heaviest I've ever been.  I just don't want to gain a ton of weight this time.  I am making the gym a habit this pregnancy, I would love to loose some weight still.  Still a little bummed about already growing out of my pants.

next entry: 

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