Thursday, October 22, 2009


It's a vicious, vicious thing.  Heartburn is.   Doesn't matter what I eat when I'm preggo, I will have heartburn in the evening.  Typically it doesn't start until around 14-15 weeks, however as I type this I am experiencing it.  I guess the more kids you have the quicker it starts.  Whatever the reason I don't like it.  The only solution for me is Mylanta Night Time.  It tastes terrible because you have to drink it, but it's what works for me.  I've tried TUMS and things like that, but no.  When I was preggo with Sydney I had to have something prescribed it got so bad.  I am not looking foward to the next 30 something weeks of a burning chest.  I am going to try to research if there is something organic, or different eating habits that will lessen it.  I'll post what I find.

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