Thursday, October 29, 2009

sick, sick, sick

yuck is all I have to say.  i am not happy about the icky feeling that is constantly grumbling in my tummy.    not feelin to fantastic.  that's all i have to say right now.   

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What was I thinking?

Not sure I'm ready to do this. Life isn't too great right now. Kind of wishing I wasn't bringing a child into it.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


It's official:
I am sick.....
3 Nights and counting now...
It hits around 7pm ...
I go to bed sick.....
And pray I wake up feeling better.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


It's a vicious, vicious thing.  Heartburn is.   Doesn't matter what I eat when I'm preggo, I will have heartburn in the evening.  Typically it doesn't start until around 14-15 weeks, however as I type this I am experiencing it.  I guess the more kids you have the quicker it starts.  Whatever the reason I don't like it.  The only solution for me is Mylanta Night Time.  It tastes terrible because you have to drink it, but it's what works for me.  I've tried TUMS and things like that, but no.  When I was preggo with Sydney I had to have something prescribed it got so bad.  I am not looking foward to the next 30 something weeks of a burning chest.  I am going to try to research if there is something organic, or different eating habits that will lessen it.  I'll post what I find.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

mmm mmmm mmmm

Ok, here are my food cravings thus far:

-Nacho Cheese- The 'que bueno' stuff from Costco.  I am craving it at least once if not twice a day.  I want plate fulls of gooey, spice nachos.  (my mouth is watering just thinking about it)

-water- I am so freaking thirsty all day long it's not funny.   I love water anyway, but man I can't get enough.  I've got a huge jug of it sitting next to me right now.

-Cheetos- Now I do like nacho cheese and water, BUT I normally DO NOT like cheetos.  So to crave these is weird for me.  I want to dip them in my nacho sauce. (and I have)  

-around 10:30-11:00pm everynight I crave something sweet.  Anything sweet.  One night I reverted to a fruit snack to satisfy it.  With Halloween coming I know I'm doomed.  I think I need to invest in some fruit leather type things, so at least I know it's sweet and not total crap that late at night.

-oranges- Last Saturday at Sydney's AYSO game I saw one of her teammates eating an orange and I almost got up and took it from her sticky little fingers I wanted it sooo bad.  

I'm sure as time drags on my cravings will change.  But for now here they are.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

A little frustration....

I am only just pregnant and already I can't button my pants.  Why do I feel like my belly is huge already?  I know this happens with multiple pregnancies, but the fact that I have to bust out my maternity pants is nuts.    This always happens, I look pregnant really fast so people think I'm pregnant forever.  I stay the same size for what seems like months.  But since I have always been poochy I guess it makes sense.  At least now I can tell people I'm pregnant and not fat.    But right now I am at the heaviest I've ever been.  I just don't want to gain a ton of weight this time.  I am making the gym a habit this pregnancy, I would love to loose some weight still.  Still a little bummed about already growing out of my pants.

next entry: 

Friday, October 16, 2009

My take on Kaiser

Here are my thoughts on what I encountered when I called to schedule my first prenatal  appt.    We have had Kaiser since being married.  I love it.  Never any complaints. And every time I got pregnant the routine went like this:  
-I call Kaiser and schedule an appt. to verify that I am in fact preggo.
- when that is confirmed in office, I continue with my initial pap, do all my blood work and schedule future appts.  
Pretty easy and straight forward.  Not complicated or seemingly weird.

So I was expecting the same drill when I called this week.  Um....not how things work now.  

How much has changed in 3 years I'm wondering?

So now, when I call they send my info to some prenatal call center or something, I have to wait for someone to call me back and let me know what's going on.  

I get the call, and I have to schedule some kind of phone interview before I can be seen for the first time.   The call takes about 30 min. and it goes over all the stuff I would have filled out in office.  I guess they want to save on paper or something.  

Then when that interview is complete they schedule my first appt.  with blood work etc.   I don't have to go in and pee in a cup for them to tell me I'm pregnant.  They just take my word for it.  Strange... if you ask me.  

So I said let's schedule this thing and the first available time is in November. November 2 to be exact.  Ok whatever.  The only thing I can think is I probably won't be seen in office until mid to late November, putting me at after 9-10 weeks.  Isn't that a little late to be seen for your first appt.?

Just a thought.   

prenatal vitamins
food cravings
lack of maternity jeans at a decent price with long enough legs

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Surprise! Surprise!.....well, sort of

So we were surprised this week with the new that Baby #4 would be joining out Clan next June.  Surprised? yes and no.  Let me explain.  After much thought and consideration, in August we decided that when life calmed down, and after our move we were going to start trying again for #4. So this last month was our first month trying.  (sidenote:  Sydney was on the first month, but not really because we were never using anything before I got preggo,  Nico a surprise and Sophie took 7 months)  So I was gearing up for the long haul.  Months and months of stressing, trying, waiting, getting disappointed, and then doing it all over again until that '+' sign appeared.  So to say we were totally, actively, trying this month would be a little much.  
About 2 weeks ago I began to be extremely tired, wanted to nap all the time, sleep in as long as possible, (admitting that a couple days, I sent the kids to school and went back to bed while Stinker Bell watched Dora) But i was chaulking it up to lack of gym time.  Then last Friday I got heartburn, I ONLY get heartburn when I have been pregnant.  The minute the baby is born, heartburn disappears.  So there was my second clue.  Then I woke up 2 days later about to throw up.  The nausea kicked in and man, i wanted to die.  I didn't get off the couch all day with the exception of pulling it together to attend a parent/teacher conference.  All of this was going down before my period was even due.  Nick thought I was crazy as usual when we are trying for a baby.  (he just wants to hear: Honey, I'm pregnant)  But even I was starting to feel crazy, I hadn't even been wanting it that bad, hadn't been obsessing over it so why were all theses things happening.  My cycle is 28 days to the day, so the day after my expected period. I caved in took a test.  And to my shock, that little '+' sign was there and bright.  WHAT?!?!?!? Are you kidding?????   

 Well, I wasn't prepared for that.  I was all geared up for a battle, and no battle was necessary.  Relief washed over me.  I told Nick, he was shocked.  We waited to tell the kids until after dinner and I was surprised how excited they were.  And Nico, (man that kids cracks me up) is not letting go of his exciting news.  Yesterday at Disneyland he kept telling all the workers that we 5 instead of 4 because I was having a baby.  And he wants to say all the prayers to bless the baby to come soon.  Little does he know he's a long way off before #4 makes it's debut.  

I am feeling ok the last couple days. Tired and beat, a little nauseous but ok.  I have a bunch of emotions running through me.  

1. I HATE being pregnant.  Some women LOVE it.  I am not one of those women.  I am not nice, I'm uncomfortable the whole time.  I get heartburn, gas, I burp all the time.  My legs fall asleep.  I pee 20 million times a day AND night.  Energy is zapped.   All in all do not like it.

2. I wasn't quite ready for another one.  Although, 7 months from now I don't know if I'd be ready.  I really wanted to be done having babies.  3 seemed like enough for me.  But I knew 3 wasn't it for our family.  I also didn't want the age gap between Sophie and the baby to get to huge.  As it is, they will be 3 years and 10 months apart.  So really, 4 years.  I have managed to be diaper free now.  I almost don't need a stroller when we go somewhere.  All my children sleep through the night and sleep in, in the mornings.  I'm not ready for sleepless nights, diapers bags, diapers, baby food, breast feeding.  All of it.  But I know this baby is part of our family and has been since we were all together in the pre-existence.    I love #4 already.

3. I am excited.  I DO love babies.  So yes, I don't know how excited I am to do all this again, BUT I am anxious to meet and love this little one.  To hold it close and whisper in it's ear how much I love him/her.  To look in their new eyes and wonder what they know about our Father in Heaven.  About His Plan of Happiness.  The pure joy that fills me the minute I see their Heavenly Face.  The first time I feel it flutter in my swollen belly.  The moment I know they are mine forever. I DO LOVE that part.

4. How will #4 mesh with the other three.  I know they will instantly fall in love with it.  But what about the ages differences?  What if Nico never gets his brother?  

I'm sure as the months roll on I'll have  more feelings to express.  But I am happy, We are happy.

This is my journal during my pregnancy.  I gonna post belly pics for the first time ever.  I've never taken any before.   Take about all the things that come to mind, bother me, excite me.

Next entry, the new changes I encountered when trying to schedule my first pre-natel appt.  Kaiser through me for a loop and I'm not sure what to think about it.