Saturday, November 7, 2009

weight confessions

Ok, so i know this is normal.  It happens to millions of women.   But it's still driving me nuts.   The Weight Gain.  When Sydney was born, I weighed something like 30 pounds lighter than now.  Nico, 20 pounds, Sophie 10 pounds.  You get it.  The perpetual weight that never comes off.  So to begin this this pregnancy I am at my heaviest weight to date. Ever. In my life. Here is my confession, I am beginning this pregnancy at 165 pounds.  Wow that hurts to say.    It hurts to admit I had gotten to that point.   Now I have to be on my best behavior and try not to gain more than 20 in hopes that I can loose it quickly.  
I didn't breastfeed Sophie and I think that was a detriment to my losing the weight after she was born.  I am going to try with this one.  Although I don't know how my breast implants will play out letting me nurse.  I hope they don't get in the way.
I want to exercise but I am so flippin sick I can barely get off the couch.  I am hoping I start feeling better so I can exercise.  I do miss it.    
My thryroid is also out of control right now.  As confirmed by blood work done last week.  So hoping that my metabolism will kick in a little more once I get back on my Synthroid.  
And my diet needs to be taken into consideration.  It's crap.  I am planning on changing it as soon as I can eat.  
I plan on documenting my weight gain, eating and exercising progress on this blog.  

Fingers Crossed.

1 comment:

  1. Very Cute idea journaling your pregnancy! Congrats BTW! Im excited for you guys!
