Tuesday, November 10, 2009

First Doctor Visit

Met with my doctor yesterday.  Went through all the normal  stuff you get at your first visit.  A couple new things though.   Dr. Richter did a vaginal ultrasound.  Never had one of those before.  Very cool to see the peanut, and it's heart beating.  Second, she told me all about this new barrage of blood tests they do at 10 weeks to detect birth defects, down syndrome, etc.  I declined the tests.  What does it matter if my baby has a defect.  I will always choose to keep it, love it and support it.  Why do I need to worry about it for longer.  
So other than those couple things, everything else was the same.  Each nurse I interacted with kept asking me if this was my 1st baby.  They all looked a little shocked when I said it was my 4th and with the same husband.  I got a little chuckle.  I notice that about a lot of people when I announce it's my 4th.  I guess I crossed the threshold into the big family category.  
I was put on my thyroid medication again, pretty aggressively.  I'm hoping it is a big help.  I also was prescribed Zofram for my nausea.  It seems to help in the morning but once the late afternoon hits, I'm done.  And then Dr. Richter hit me with, 'the nausea seems to peak at 10 weeks'  
What? I'm only 8 weeks.  Dang it.  But then she hit me with: "studies show that women with bad nausea seem to miscarry less"
Ok, I'll take it.  
I'll suck it up and crawl through it.
Every time I hang over the kitchen sink, Sophie says: 'momma, you throw up gen(again)'. Sydney has repeatedly offered to do dishes.  Nico keeps praying for the baby in my tummy and kisses it.  Nick has helped the best he can.  He has been really good about getting me whatever I need at the store.  He's a man's man.  I can't really ask for too much. So I'm not going to.  
Blood Pressure, protein, bloodsugar, everything else: fine.  

I am going back in three weeks to monitor the meds and make sure everything is on track.  
I love my doctor.   She is wonderful.  I had her with Sophie and am so excited to see her again.  I love her.  Did I already say that?

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