Monday, July 9, 2012

{10 weeks}

So much for updating every week.  Although I'm pretty sure I can claim the fact that I was out of town for 10 days as a reason.  Over the course of the last week the nausea has gotten out of control.  Man alive.... at some point every night I wish I could keel over and die......

Constipation, yep it's here.  Because I am taking Zofran for the nausea it stops you up like no other.

I am still so so so tired ALL the time.  My body is physically exhausted.  I have been spending quite a bit of time in bed just resting.  I don't remember this with the others.  

And my breasts are KILLING me.  I don't remember this with any other baby other than Sydney.  I think it's annoying.

Can't wait to feel better in the next few weeks.....

how far along: 10 weeks

how big is baby: kumquat

maternity clothes:  my mama bought me some new stuff while I was visiting in Virginia for my birthday from A Pea In The Pod. And a couple new church dresses.  I'm pretty excited about them.  But yeah, rocking the preggo stuff.....but really I'm just wearing sweats at home or a bathing suit because I'm taking my kids to the pool just about everyday.

sleep: Unisom has become a helps me wake up not feeling like I don't want to get up

best moment of the week: hearing Sydney tell my friends she doesn't want 5 kids like "her crazy mom"

looking forward to: just feeling better....anything to feel better